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Paula Herman visual artist
ABitOfHistory | LuizHouCityShowBanners |
PreparingExhibition | HangingShow |
MyShowOpening | Opening |
3dAnnouncement | CostaRicanLeaf.monotype.22_x30_ |
4oOutTheWindowphotograph(silver print).8.5_x11_ | AnywayYouLookAtIt. monotype.30_x22_ |
FloridaBird1 | FloridaBird2 |
Vulture1 | Vulture2 |
Despair1 | In The Pink. |
Blossoms on Blue | AtTheGrandCanyon |
LostVulture | Despair 2 |
VultureFound | OutTheWindow |
FigureWithSkeleton | NepaleseChickens. |
HeadlessWoman | InAGarden |
RoseateSpoonbillLooksAtMe | DancerRehearsal |
StoneFaceWithFernon cloth | 4wVermontAndMaine.cyanotype on cloth. |
RosesInVase. on cloth. | GardenersInFerns |
Cows | FarmersWithDelphiniums.cyanotype on water color paper.38.5x24.3cm |
Hornet'sNest | MyGrandfather |
Untitled | TreeStump |
Sunflowers | MagicTree.monotype.30_x22_ |
SkeletonAtGrandCanyon.monotype.22_30_ | .cyanotype on paper |
WomanAndSeagulls | MrLinAndMe |
AnotherWoodBridge | MinoritiesFestival in park |
InPark | LunchInCountry |
AWindRainBridgeRoof | In Mists |
GrowingTea | CloseUpTeaCeremony |
AtChenjiangYangshou(sp_) | KarsksNearGuilin |
OutRoomWindow | GoingHome |
To see details of each work click on large image
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